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Beta 3 - Test 2

Changelist from Thursday, Nov 21, 2024
Website update, changes have already been implemented.

Now teleporting (almost) anything through the portals in the nodes is possible!

Something that had been announced as a OneCraft feature for quite some time now finally makes its debut: It is now possible to use the lake-format portals of nodes and starting points of all worlds to transport entities between them. Here's what you can expect:

  • Boats? No problem. It doesn't matter if it's a boat with two players, a chest, or mobs on it.
  • Items? Of course! Just throw whatever you want to appear on the other side.
  • Animals? Monsters? If they enter the portal, they will most likely be transported.
  • What is an entity in Minecraft?

Basically the feature has been designed so that quite a few things are covered and try to maintain the unique characteristics of the entities between teleports.It's quite a complex system!

We know that there are many cases where it can be difficult to get animals and other things to the location of the node portals through the paths.

We know that there are many cases where it can be difficult to get animals and other things to the location of the node portals through the paths, but we are planning to improve them to make it easier to get on and off them while carrying company.He who follows gets it!

There are still things to implement in this feature, such as projectiles (snowballs, enderpearls, arrows) maintaining their speed and direction when going through a portal. Report bugs and be careful what you send through a portal!

We are still in experimental Beta 3, so there may be problems of all kinds and some shortcomings, such as the extended viewing distance to 24 chunks of the OneCrafters+. Patience and understanding is requested to all players while progressing towards a final version throughout these experiments.

Update 1: Improved collision detection with entities making it possible for them to be more protected, so that now only members of a protected region can push monsters, animals, villagers, ships, etc.

Update 2: The system that made the teleportation of entities between special portals has been completely redesigned. It is now simpler, more efficient and more in line with the systems used by Minecraft Vanilla. In addition, enderpearls now also work, making this feature more in line with the current version of the server.

  • New
    Entities can now pass through portals of any kind
  • Fix
    Now only members of a protected region can push entities
  • Fix
    Now the enderpearls work through special portals.