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Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored in the user's browser when they visit a web page. Cookies allow the website to remember information about the visit, such as language, preferences, login or browsing data. In this way, the website can offer you a better experience and adapt to your needs.

Cookies can be classified according to different criteria:

  • Depending on their purpose, they can be technical (necessary for the operation of the website), personalization (they allow the user to choose options such as language or region), analysis (they collect statistical information about the use of the website), advertising (they manage the frequency and content of the ads) or behavioral advertising (they adapt the ads to the user's profile).
  • Depending on their duration, they can be session (they expire when you close the browser) or persistent (they remain stored for a certain time).
  • Depending on the managing entity, they may be their own (sent by the website domain) or third parties (sent by other domains that provide services to the website).

What cookies do I use on my website?

On my website I use some of the following cookies as a general rule:

Name Purpose Duration Type
_cookieAllowed Stores the user's cookie consent status 1 month Own, technique
__cfruid Protects the discord website from malicious attacks Browsing session Third party (Cloudflare), technical
_cfuvid Used to distinguish users who share the same IP Browsing session Third party (Cloudflare), technical
cf_clearance Used to identify users who have already passed security tests 1 year Third party (Discord), technical
sp_dc Get a Spotify API access token 1 year Third party (Spotify), technique
sp_key Store Spotify API access token 1 year Third party (Spotify), technique
sp_landing Implement Spotify audio content on the website and also record information about user interaction related to the audio content. 1 day Third party (Spotify), technique
sp_t Implement Spotify audio content on the website and record user interaction information related to the audio content. 1 year Third party (Spotify), technique
_ga Used to distinguish users 2 years Third party (Google Analytics), analysis
_gid Used to distinguish users 24 hours Third party (Google Analytics), analysis
_gat Used to limit the percentage of requests 1 minute Third party (Google Analytics), analysis
NID Contains a unique ID that is used to remember the user's preferences 6 months Third party (Google), advertising
1P_JAR Used to personalize ads based on user interests 1 month Third party (Google), advertising
ANID Used to display Google ads on non-Google websites 1 year Third party (Google), advertising
CONSENT Stores Google cookie consent status Permanent Third party (Google), technical

Most cookies are from external services that are displayed in some way while you browse this website, such as previews of my Spotify playlists or my Discord server.

Although content from my Instagram, X, Facebook or TikTok profiles is sometimes displayed, cookies are not used for the services just mentioned on the main page, since the operation of the page does not require it. Even so, it is possible that while browsing the site, inserted content from these or other networks may appear that load cookies so that the inserted content can be displayed normally, so, if you disagree with this behavior, you should stop using this site.

How can I configure, accept, reject or delete cookies?

You can configure your cookie preferences the first time you enter this site, you can accept or reject cookies. To change your preferences on this site, if you have already accepted them, you can clear the site data in your browser options.

In addition to the data of each site, you can also manage cookies from your browser options, where you can allow, block or delete the cookies that have been installed on your device.

Each browser has its own procedure for setting cookies and deleting data from specific sites, so you will have to consult the documentation or help of the browser you use to learn where the corresponding options are.

You should keep in mind that if you reject or delete cookies, some website functionalities may be affected.

Cookie policy update

My cookie policy was last modified on the date shown below. I may modify this policy at any time to adapt to legislative or technical changes, so I recommend that you review it periodically if you are interested in these changes.


If you have any questions or queries about the cookie policy, you can contact me through the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Latest update: 16 February 2024