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On this page you will find some of my projects, whether past, future, ongoing, planned or parked, links related to them if applicable, and some easter eggs.

Early Access Section

Under construction! You are seeing changes on this page not yet published as a benefit of your subscription. Thanks for your help! And, sorry for the mess, I'm still working on it. You might find links that don't work, terrible mistakes that I might regret later, or some missing kittens, discretion is requested!

In development

The starting point for everything, and where you are right now. solves an intrinsic need in my approach to the internet and social networking: Presenting information in a unified and accessible way, while providing extra features that I believe add up.

What was intended to be a replacement for linktree or any link directory, now provides a cohesive preview of all my social media activity and today is home also to a blog and other features you can start exploring.


Conceptualisation phase

"The PC as seen from a gamer point of view"

Born from my experience managing online gaming communities and journalism in the video game industry, PCeros aims to be a meeting point, information site and gaming space, among others, for fans of the medium and those who don't yet know they are, providing a simple yet in-depth approach to all the scenarios in which computing meets electronic entertainment.



"Nintendo as seen from an uncensored point of view"

Using technology developed for PCeros, Nintenderas seeks to present the different ways, official and unofficial, to access the brand's playable content, without any kind of restriction or limit imposed by a third party.



"PlayStation through the ages"

Designed to be Nintenderas little blue sister, it seeks to be equivalent to it but separating content for a simpler, more straightforward presentation, while maintaining its connection to PCeros and using its resources.


In pre-production

More information coming soon.