Beta 3 Experimental

Changelist from Tuesday, Nov 05, 2024
Website update, changes have already been implemented.
Bundles of Bravery is coming to OneCraft! The bundles are now available, along with new variants for the exploration challenge chambers (those that haven't been generated yet), baby versions of dolphins, squids and luminous squids and the possibility of not taking fall damage if we duck when falling on a slime block, among other things.
This is an experimental version, so there may be problems of all kinds and some shortcomings, such as the absence of bundles in Bedrock. In the next hours or days, it is expected to be included along with the first update of this beta version.
NewNew version 1.21.3
BugIn Bedrock, bundles will be displayed as shulker shells and will not function properly.
DisabledGeyserExtras has been temporarily disabled due to compatibility issues.
DisabledViewing distance extended to 24 chunks has been temporarily disabled due to compatibility issues.